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Online Ordering for Delivery and Pick-up service (Tuesdays and Fridays)

1. Because orders can have variable product weights and volumes, we have an order form: Zero Waste Emporium Order Form.  For pick-up orders, please indicate if you would like to pay prior to pick-up on the order form.  Alternatively, please email your order to  Deliveries and pick-ups are available on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

2. While filling out the form, you can check our online inventory here or use our inventory spreadsheet here.

3. Submit the form.

4. Once the order is received (12 pm on the day prior to pick-up or delivery), we will send you an invoice for payment unless pick-up is indicated and to be paid upon receipt.  We require payment prior to 12 pm on the day of delivery (or pick-up if paying before).